
Welcome to Lifesmything! Glad you could stop by!

St Ignatius of Loyola said, “He who goes about to reform the world must begin with himself, or he loses his labor.”

So we must get to know ourselves, how God sees us and how the world sees us.

Each day, we look to improve in everything we do and in our love for one another. Then, by living lives worthy of our calling, we can hope to change the world. Specifically, we strive to live holy lives and do not compromise with the Spirit of this Age.

We speak out against evil, but with charity.

We are not passive. We study the culture, understand it and speak boldly.

We take action by speaking TRUTH when it comes to evil in our parishes, our government and communities.

We push back and not allow the this world to taint us and our families.

As the culture descends into darkness and depravity, we will remain true to living a traditional, God-affirming and family-centric life, as we were meant to live.

By this, we will attract souls and show them there is a better way to live.

So let’s exchange ideas.

Let us learn and study together, and then act for the good of our faith and our families.

Are you ready?

Let’s do this!

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